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  Week of March 10
  Objective(s) Classwork Homework
Monday SWBAT find solutions to systems of equations graphically, and using equivalent expressions (substitution). - Page 33, #'s 3-8 - Finish classwork
- Inv 1-2.1 Quiz, Thursday 3/13  (Inv 1 Practice)

- IXL Tuesday (8GG 2)
Tuesday SWBAT find solutions to systems of equations algebraically by using equivalent expressions.  Page 33, #'s 9-16 - Finish classwork (1.3C Key)
- Inv 1-2.1 Quiz, Thursday 3/13  (Inv 1 Practice)

- IXL due Tuesday (8GG 3, 4) (
Wednesday SWBAT find solutions to systems of equations by substitution. - Solving by Substitution Practice #'s 1-6 - Finish classwork
- Inv 1-2.1 Quiz, Thursday 3/13  (Inv 1 Practice)
- IXL due Tuesday (8GG 3, 4) (
Thursday SWBAT 1) write and graph equations for linear relationships in slope intercept form and standard form, 2) determine the slope, x- and y-intercepts of linear equations, 3) solve systems of equations by graphing and equivalent expressions, and 4) write system of equations from a word problem, - Inv 1-2.1 Quiz - Finish classwork
- IXL due Tuesday (8GG 3, 4)
Friday SWBAT find solutions to systems of equations by substitution. - Solving by Substitution Practice #'s 7-14 - Finish classwork
- IXL due Tuesday (8GG 3, 4)

  Week of March 3
  Objective(s) Classwork Homework
Monday SWBAT graph linear equations written in standard form. - Standard Form Graphing Strategy (slides)
- "Why Did Miss Muffet Need a Road Map?" w/s
- Finish classwork (Key)
- IXL Tuesday (8AA 4, 7, 10)
Tuesday SWBAT find solutions to systems of equations graphically. - Problem 1.3 (solve Part C by graphing)  (slides) - Finish classwork (1.3C Key)
- IXL due Tuesday (8GG 2) (
Wednesday SWBAT find solutions to systems of equations graphically. - Graphing Practice - ILX 8GG 2 - Finish classwork
- IXL due Tuesday (8GG 2) (
Thursday SWBAT write systems of equations from text and find solutions graphically. - Recap Problem 1.3 (slides)
- Writing Systems Practice
- Finish classwork
- Inv 1-2.1 Quiz, Thursday 3/13  (Inv 1 Practice)
- IXL due Tuesday (8GG 2)
Friday SWBAT find solutions to systems of equations graphically, and using equivalent expressions (substitution). - Problem 2.1 A and B (slides) - Finish classwork
- Get Progress Report signed
- Inv 1-2.1 Quiz, Thursday 3/13  (Inv 1 Practice)
- IXL due Tuesday (8GG 2)

  Week of February 24
  Objective(s) Classwork Homework
Monday SWBAT write equations for linear relationships in slope intercept form and standard form, and determine the slope, x- and y-intercepts. - Problem 1.2 A-C (slides) - Finish classwork
- IXL due next Tuesday
(8AA 4, 7, 10)
Tuesday Course Selection Overview with Counselors  
Wednesday SWBAT write equations for linear relationships in slope intercept form and standard form, and determine the slope, x- and y-intercepts. - Page 14, #'s 9-20 (slides) - Finish classwork
- IXL due Tuesday (8AA 4, 7, 10)
Thursday SWBAT write equations for linear relationships in slope intercept form and standard form, and determine the slope, x- and y-intercepts. - Recap yesterday's work
Develop protocols to find slope, x- and y- intercepts from different forms of linear equations (slides)
- Complete work from yesterday if not done  (Page 14, #'s 9-20)
- IXL Tuesday (8AA 4, 7, 10)
Friday SWBAT graph linear equations written in slope-intercept form. - Slope-Intercept Graphing Strategy  (slides)
- "What Happened to the Guy Who Fell Into an Upholstery Machine?" w/s
- Finish classwork (Key)
- IXL Tuesday (8AA 4, 7, 10)

  Week of February 10
  Objective(s) Classwork Homework
Monday SWBAT use the Laws of Exponents to simplify expressions. - Exponents Jeopardy - Part 2 - Finish classwork
- Exponents and SN Quiz, Wednesday 2/12
- Practice Problems (no SN) (Key) + More

- IXL due Tuesday (8C 15, 8D 6)
Tuesday SWBAT determine what type of relationship an equation in standard form represents, and identify multiple solutions for the equation. - Problem 1.1 A - C - Finish classwork
- Exponents and SN Quiz, Wednesday 2/12
- Practice Problems (no SN) (Key) + More

- IXL due Tuesday (No IXL until after break!)
Wednesday SWBAT use the Laws of Exponents to simplify expressions involving multiplication and division of monomials and scientific notation - Exponents and SN Quiz - Finish classwork
- IXL due Tuesday (No IXL until after break!)
Thursday SWBAT determine what type of relationship an equation in standard form represents, and identify multiple solutions for the equation. - Problem 1.1 A-C Recap
- Problem 1.1 D
- Page 14, #'s 5-8
- Page 13, # 1
- IXL due Tuesday (No IXL until after break!)
Friday SWBAT write equations for linear relationships in slope intercept form. - Writing Equations in SI form Practice (Key) (slides) - Have a Great Break!
- IXL due Tuesday (No IXL until after break!)

  Week of February 3
  Objective(s) Classwork Homework
Monday SWBAT perform operations involving scientific notation. - Scientific Notation Scavenger Hunt - Check in with me if classwork is not complete.
- IXL due Tuesday (8D 4, 5))
Tuesday SWBAT solve word problems involving scientific notation. - Scientific Notation Word Problems Strategies (slides)
- Solving Word Problems with Scientific Notation - front side
- Finish classwork (Key)
- Exponents and SN Quiz, Wednesday 2/12
- Practice Problems (no SN) (Key) + More

- IXL due Tuesday (8C 15, 8D 6)
Wednesday SWBAT solve word problems involving scientific notation. - Finish Solving Word Problems with Scientific Notation - Finish classwork (Key)
- Exponents and SN Quiz, Wednesday 2/12
- Practice Problems (no SN) (Key) + More

- IXL due Tuesday (8C 15, 8D 6)
Friday SWBAT use the Laws of Exponents to simplify expressions. - Exponents Jeopardy - Part 1 - Practice for Quiz
- Exponents and SN Quiz, Wednesday 2/12
- Practice Problems (no SN) (Key) + More

- IXL due Tuesday (8C 15, 8D 6)

  Week of January 27
  Objective(s) Classwork Homework
Monday SWBAT use the Laws of Exponents to simplify expressions involving multiplication and division with variables. - Exponents Practice (slides)
- "Planet Saturn" w/s
- Additional Practice
IXL due Tuesday (7G 13, 8C 19)
Tuesday SWBAT use the Laws of Exponents to simplify expressions involving multiplication and division with variables. - Creating and simplifying exponential expressions - No Homework
- IXL due Tuesday (7G 13, 8C 19)
Wednesday   No School  
Thursday SWBAT express large and small numbers in both standard form and scientific notation. - Scientific Notation Practice
- Finish classwork (Key)
- IXL due Tuesday (8D 4, 5)
Friday SWBAT apply the laws of exponents to operations involving scientific notation. -Multiplying and Dividing (slides)
- Multiplying and Dividing with Scientific Notation
- Finish classwork (Key)
- IXL due Tuesday (8D 4, 5)

  Week of January 20
  Objective(s) Classwork Homework
Monday MLK Jr. Day
Tuesday SWBAT use patterns among exponents to formulate properties for operations with integral exponents. - Dividing Monomials Exploration A-B - Finish Classwork
- IXL due Tuesday (7G 13, 8C 19)
Wednesday SWBAT use patterns among exponents to formulate properties for operations with integral exponents. - Review Dividing Monomials (slides)
- Dividing Monomials Practice
- Finish Classwork (Key)
- IXL due Tuesday (7G 13, 8C 19)
Thursday SWBAT use patterns in powers to develop rules for dividing with exponents. - Dividing Monomials Exploration Part C
- Practice
- Finish Classwork  (Key)
- IXL due Tuesday
(7G 13, 8C 19)
Friday SWBAT use patterns in powers to develop rules for operating with exponents. - Negative Exponents (slides)
- 8-3 Practice - odd numbers
- 8-3 Practice - even numbers (Key)
- IXL due Tuesday (7G 13, 8C 19)

  Week of January 13
  Objective(s) Classwork Homework
Monday SWBAT use patterns among exponents to formulate properties for operations with integral exponents. - Multiplying Monomials Exploration Part A (slides)
- 8-1 SGI Multiplying Monomials Product of Powers
- Finish classwork (Key)
- IXL due Tuesday (A1AA 5, 6)
Tuesday SWBAT use patterns among exponents to formulate properties for operations with integral exponents. - Multiplying Monomials Practice (slides)
- "Mr. and Mrs. Number" worksheet (Key)
- IXL due Tuesday (8C 12, 16)
Wednesday SWBAT use patterns among exponents to formulate properties for operations with integral exponents. - Multiplying Monomials Exploration Part B (slides)
- 8-1 SGI Multiplying Monomials Power of a Power
- Finish classwork (Key)
- IXL due Tuesday (8C 12, 16)
Thursday SWBAT use patterns among exponents to formulate properties for operations with integral exponents. - Multiplying Monomials Practice (slides) - Finish classwork (Key)
- IXL due Tuesday (8C 12, 16)
Friday SW learn about math opportunities at WHS. - Math Classes at the HS Presentation
- HS Math class survey
- Finish Survey
- IXL due Tuesday (8C 12, 16)

  Week of January 6
  Objective(s) Classwork Homework
Monday SWBAT use their knowledge of exponential relationships to make tables, graphs, and equations for exponential decay problems. - Recap Problems 4.1 and 4.2
- Problem 4.3 (slides)
- Finish classwork
- GGG Unit Test, Friday 1/10 (Topics) (Practice)
Tuesday SWBAT describe the effects of varying initial amounts and growth rates on exponential relationships. - Investigation 4 Recap (slides)
- Decay Practice Problems
- Finish classwork (Key)
- GGG Unit Test, Friday 1/10 (Topics) (Practice)

- IXL due Tuesday (A1AA 5, 6)
Wednesday SWBAT 1) write exponential growth and decay equations to model experimental data and real life situations, and 2) determine growth/decay factors from growth/decay rates, and rates from factors. - Exponential Growth Practice
- Exponential Decay Practice
- Finish classwork
- GGG Unit Test, Friday 1/10 (Topics) (Practice)

- IXL due Tuesday (A1AA 5, 6)
Thursday SWBAT use their knowledge of exponential relationships to make tables, graphs, and equations for exponential decay problems. - Review Activity - Finish classwork
- GGG Unit Test, Friday 1/10 (Topics) (Practice)

- IXL due Tuesday (A1AA 5, 6)
Friday SWBAT 1) write exponential growth and decay equations to model experimental data and real life situations, and 2) determine growth/decay factors from growth/decay rates, and rates from factors. - Growth and Decay Unit Test - TBD
- IXL due Tuesday (A1AA 5, 6)

  Week of December 30
  Objective(s) Classwork Homework
Thursday SWBAT use their knowledge of exponential relationships to make tables, graphs, and equations for exponential decay problems. - Problem 4.1 (slides) - Page 66, #'s 1, 3, 19-22
- GGG Unit Test, Friday 1/10
(Topics) ((Practice)
Friday SWBAT use their knowledge of exponential relationships to make tables, graphs, and equations for exponential decay problems. - Problem 4.2 (slides) - Page 68, #'s 4-7
- GGG Unit Test, Friday 1/10 (Topics) ((Practice)

  Week of December 16
  Objective(s) Classwork Homework
Monday SWBAT describe the effects of varying initial amounts and growth rates on exponential relationships. - Problem 3.3 (slides) - Finish classwork
- IXL due Tuesday (8H 9, 10)
Tuesday SWBAT describe the effects of varying initial amounts and growth rates on exponential relationships. - Page 51, #'s 21-23, 34-37 (slides) - Finish classwork
- IXL due Tuesday (8H 9, 10)
Wednesday SWBAT describe the effects of varying initial amounts and growth rates on exponential relationships. - "What Did Dr. Frug's Wife Say?"  (slides) - Finish classwork
- No IXL until next year!
Thursday SW solve logic puzzles. - Intuition Quiz (Game) - No IXL until next year!
Friday Math fun! - Graphing Activity
- Winter Logic Puzzle
- Have a Great Break!

  Week of December 9
  Objective(s) Classwork Homework
Monday SWBAT calculate percents and use percents to find "wholes" and "parts". - Percents Scavenger Hunt - Finish classwork
- IXL due Tuesday (Diagnostic Arena)
Tuesday SWBAT determine percents and percent change. - Percent Change (slides)
- Percent Increase and Decrease Practice
- Finish classwork (Key)
- IXL due Tuesday (8H 9, 10)
Wednesday SWBAT determine the growth factor and initial amount for an exponential relationship and write an equation describing it. - Percent Increase recap (slides)
- Problem 3.1
- Page 48, #'s 1 and 2
IXL due Tuesday (8H 9, 10)
Thursday SWBAT determine growth rates and growth factors from a table of data, and a growth rate given a growth factor. - Problem 3.2 (slides) - Finish classwork
- IXL due Tuesday (8H 9, 10)
Friday SWBAT determine growth rates and growth factors from a table of data, and a growth rate given a growth factor. - Growth Factors/Rates (slides)
- Page 50, #'s 10-16, 19, 41, 43-45
- Finish classwork
- IXL due Tuesday (8H 9, 10)

  Week of December 2
  Objective(s) Classwork Homework
Tuesday SWBAT 1) differentiate between linear and exponential growth given a written description or a table of data, 2) identify and interpret growth factors and y-intercepts, and 3) write equations for exponential relationships, and 4) write numbers in correct Scientific Notation form - GGG Inv 1-2 ... More Practice 
Scientific Notation Practice
- Finish classwork (Answers) (SN Answers)
- Inv 1-2 Quiz, Thursday 12/5
- Inv 1-2 Topics & Practice (Answers)
- Practice Inv 2 Quiz  (Answers)

- IXL due Tuesday (Update in Diagnostic Arena)
Wednesday   - Assembly - Finish classwork
- Inv 1-2 Quiz, Thursday 12/5
- Inv 1-2 Topics & Practice (Answers)
- Practice Inv 2 Quiz  (Answers)

IXL due Tuesday (Update in Diagnostic Arena)
Thursday SWBAT 1) differentiate between linear and exponential growth given a written description or a table of data, 2) identify and interpret growth factors and y-intercepts, and 3) write equations for exponential relationships, and 4) write numbers in correct Scientific Notation form - GGG Inv. 1-2 and SN Quiz - No Homework
- IXL due Tuesday (Update in Diagnostic Arena)
Friday SWBAT calculate percents. - Calculating Percents (slides)
- Calculating Percent Practice
- Finish classwork
- IXL due Tuesday (Update in Diagnostic Arena)

  Week of November 25
  Objective(s) Classwork Homework
Monday SWBAT determine the growth factor and write an equation for the graph of an exponential relationship. - Problem 2.3 (slides) - Page 35, #'s 9-13
- IXL due Tuesday  (8M 15, 19)
Tuesday SWBAT write equations for real life exponential relationships. - Page 33, #'s 4-7, 25-28 - Finish classwork
- Inv 1-2 and SN Quiz, Thursday 12/5
- Inv 1-2 Topics & Practice (Answers)
- Practice Inv 2 Quiz  (Answers)

- NO IXL due next Tuesday
Wednesday SW participate in activities of giving and community building. - Sorting donated items
- Prepping for Promenade
- Fun Together!
- Have a Great Break!
- Inv 1-2 and SN Quiz, Thursday 12/5
- Inv 1-2 Topics & Practice (Answers)
- Practice Inv 2 Quiz  (Answers)

- NO IXL due next Tuesday
Thursday Happy Thanksgiving!

  Week of November 18
  Objective(s) Classwork Homework
Monday SWBAT write equations for exponential relationships represented by tables. - Problem 1.2 A Recap
- Finish Problem 1.2 (slides)
- Finish classwork
- IXL due Tuesday (8D 1, 3)
Tuesday SWBAT write equations for exponential relationships represented by tables. - Problem 1.3 (slides) - Finish classwork
- IXL due Tuesday (8M 15, 19)
Wednesday SWBAT write equations for exponential relationships represented by tables. - Problem 1.3 Recap (slides)
- Practice problems (Page 19, #'s 15, 17-21, 51)
- Finish classwork
- IXL due Tuesday (8M 15,18)
Thursday SWBAT 1) recognize an exponential relationship from a description, and 2)determine and interpret the y-intercept for an exponential relationship. - Problem 2.1 (slides) - Page 32, #'s 1 and 2
- IXL due Tuesday (8M 15, 19)
Friday SWBAT determine and interpret the y-intercept for an exponential relationship. - Problem 2.2 (slides)
- Review Problem 2.2
- Finish classwork
- IXL due Tuesday (8M 15,19)

  Week of November 11
  Objective(s) Classwork Homework
Tuesday SWBAT express large and small numbers in both standard form and scientific notation. - What is Special About a Radioactive Cat? w/s - Finish classwork
- TWMM Unit Test, Wed. 11/13
- TWMM Unit Test Review Problems  (Answers)
- Review Problems (Key)
- Solving for x Practice (Key)
- Two-way Table Practice (Key)

- Proportions Problems (Key)

- IXL due Tuesday (8D 1, 3)
Wednesday SWBAT 1) find the equation of a line given a table of data, a slope and a point on the line, or two points on the line, and 2) use an equation or graph of a mathematical model to answer questions about the situation modeled, and 3) solve for x algebraically, 4) solve problems with proportions, and 5) interpret two-way data tables. - TWMM Unit Test - Finish classwork from yesterday (Key)
- IXL due Tuesday (8D 1, 3)
Thursday SWBAT recognize exponential patterns in tables. - Problem 1.1 A (slides)
- Page 14, #1
- Finish classwork
- IXL due Tuesday (8D 1, 3)
Friday SWBAT recognize exponential patterns in tables, graphs, and equations. - Problem 1.1 Recap (slides)
- Vocab

- Problem 1.2 A
- Finish classwork
- IXL due Tuesday (8D 1, 3)

  Week of November 4
  Objective(s) Classwork Homework
Monday SWBAT interpret two-way data tables. - Inv 5 Additional Practice (Key on page 12) - Finish classwork
Tuesday SWBAT 1) find the equation of a line given a table of data, a slope and a point on the line, or two points on the line, and 2) use an equation or graph of a mathematical model to answer questions about the situation modeled, and 3) solve for x algebraically, 4) solve problems with proportions, and 5) interpret two-way data tables. - TWMM Unit Test Review - Finish classwork
- TWMM Unit Test, Wed. 11/13
- TWMM Unit Test Review Problems  (Answers)
- Review Problems (Key)
- Solving for x Practice (Key)
- Two-way Table Practice (Key)

- Proportions Problems (Key)

- IXL due Tuesday (8G 1, 8CC4)
Wednesday SWBAT demonstrate their understanding of modeling real life problems with linear equations. - Open Response Question - Finish classwork
- TWMM Unit Test, Wed. 11/13
- TWMM Unit Test Review Problems  (Answers)
- Review Problems (Key)
- Solving for x Practice (Key)
- Two-way Table Practice (Key)

- Proportions Problems (Key)

- IXL due Tuesday (8G 1, 8CC 4)
Thursday SWBAT interpret two-way data tables. - Two-Way Tables (Let me know if you need a copy of this.  Due to copyright laws I cannot publicly post it.) - Finish classwork
- TWMM Unit Test, Wed. 11/13
- TWMM Unit Test Review Problems  (Answers)
- Review Problems (Key)
- Solving for x Practice (Key)
- Two-way Table Practice (Key)

- Proportions Problems (Key)

IXL due Tuesday (8G 1, 8CC4)
Friday SWBAT express large and small numbers in both standard form and scientific notation. - Scientific Notation video
- SN Notes and Practice (slides)
- Finish classwork (Key)
- TWMM Unit Test, Wed. 11/13
- TWMM Unit Test Review Problems  (Answers)
- Review Problems (Key)
- Solving for x Practice (Key)
- Two-way Table Practice (Key)

- Proportions Problems (Key)

- IXL due Tuesday (8G 1, 8CC4)

  Week of October 28
  Objective(s) Classwork Homework
Monday SWBAT interpret two-way data tables. - Problem 5.3 A and B - Finish classwork
- IXL due Tuesday (8II 5, 8)
Tuesday SWBAT interpret two-way data tables. - Problem 5.3 Recap (slides)
- Problem 5.2
- Finish classwork
- No IXL this week
Wednesday SWBAT interpret two-way data tables. - Problem 5.1 (slides) - Finish classwork
- No IXL this week
Thursday SWBAT interpret two-way data tables. - Titanic Problems (slides) - Finish classwork
- No IXL this week

  Week of October 21
  Objective(s) Classwork Homework
Monday SWBAT determine whether linear models for bivariate data are good fits. - Problem 4.1 A, B, D (slides) - Page 100, #'s 6a-d and 7a-b
- Inv 1 and 2 Mid Unit Test, Thursday 10/24  (Topics)
- Review Problems (Key)
- Solving for x Practice (Key)

- IXL due Tuesday (7X 6, 10)
Tuesday SWBAT determine whether linear models for bivariate data are good fits. - Problem 4.2 (slides) - Finish classwork
- Inv 1 and 2 Mid Unit Test, Thursday 10/24  (Topics)
- Review Problems (Key)
- Solving for x Practice (Key)

- IXL due Tuesday (8II 5, 8)
Wednesday SWBAT determine if there is a correlation based on a scatterplot of data, and draw lines of best fit. - Best Fit Lines Worksheet  (slides) - Finish classwork (Key)
- Inv 1 and 2 Mid Unit Test, Thursday 10/24  (Topics)
Review Problems (Key)
- Solving for x Practice (Key)

- IXL due Tuesday (8II 5, 8)
Thursday SWBAT 1) find the equation of a line given a table of data, a slope and a point on the line, or two points on the line, and 2) use an equation or graph of a mathematical model to answer questions about the situation modeled, and 3) solve for x algebraically. - Inv. 1-2 Mid Unit Test - No Homework
- IXL due Tuesday (8II 5, 8)
Friday SWBAT create and solve proportions. - Proportions Notes/Practice (slides)
- Proportions Practice w/s
- Finish classwork (Key)
- IXL due Tuesday (8II 5, 8)

  Week of October 14
  Objective(s) Classwork Homework
Tuesday SWBAT 1) find solutions to real life situations using graphs, or equations, and 2) find the equation of a line given a table of data, a slope and a point on the line, or two points on the line. - Wrap up of Problem 2.5 (slides)
- Finish Practice Problems packet from Friday
- Finish classwork
- Inv 1 and 2 Mid Unit Test, Thursday 10/24  (Topics)
- Review Problems (Key)
- Solving for x Practice (Key)

- IXL due Tuesday (7X 6, 10)
Wednesday SWBAT draw a line of best fit, find the equation that models the data, and use the line to make predictions. - Intro to Lines of Best Fit
- Using a Line of Best Fit To Make Estimates Pages 1-2
- Finish classwork (Key)
- Inv 1 and 2 Mid Unit Test, Thursday 10/24  (Topics)
- Review Problems (Key)
- Solving for x Practice (Key)

- IXL due Tuesday (7X 6, 10)
Thursday SWBAT draw a line of best fit, find the equation that models the data, and use the line to make predictions. - Using a Line of Best Fit To Make Estimates Pages 3-4 - Finish classwork (Key)
- Inv 1 and 2 Mid Unit Test, Thursday 10/24  (Topics)
- Review Problems (Key)
- Solving for x Practice (Key)

- IXL due Tuesday (7X 6, 10)
Friday SWBAT 1) draw a line of best fit and find the equation that models data collected in Science class, and 2) use the equation to draw conclusions. - Graphing and analyzing data from "Mass vs. Volume for Three Liquids" experiment. - Finish classwork
- Inv 1 and 2 Mid Unit Test, Thursday 10/24  (Topics)
- Review Problems (Key)
- Solving for x Practice (Key)

- IXL due Tuesday (7X 6, 10)

  Week of October 7
  Objective(s) Classwork Homework
Monday SWBAT work as a team to solve a puzzle by calculating slopes and writing linear equations. - The Big Race Heat 3 (slides) - Finish classwork
- IXL due Tuesday (8L 7, 8)
Tuesday SWBAT work as a team to solve a puzzle by calculating slopes and writing linear equations. - The Big Race Finals  (slides) - Finish classwork
- IXL due Tuesday  (8CC 5, 6)
Wednesday - Basic Skills check in - Finish classwork
- IXL due Tuesday  (8CC 5, 6)
Thursday SWBAT find solutions to real life situations using tables, graphs, or equations. - Problem 2.5  (slides) - Finish classwork
- IXL due Tuesday  (8CC 5, 6)
Friday SWBAT find the equation of a line given a table of data, a slope and a point on the line, or two points on the line. - Review Problems - complete left hand column of first 2 pages and top half of 3rd page. - Finish classwork
- IXL due Tuesday  (8CC 5, 6)

  Week of September 30
  Objective(s) Classwork Homework
Monday SWBAT write equations for linear functions given a slope and a point, two points, or a table of data. - Writing Equations of Lines Practice #'s 1-12  (slides) - Finish classwork (Key)
- IXL due Tuesday (6II 12, 13)
Tuesday SWBAT write equations for linear functions given a slope and a point, two points, or a table of data. - Writing Equations of Lines Practice 13-20  (slides) - Finish classwork (Key)
- IXL due Tuesday  (8L 7, 8 )
Wednesday SWBAT work as a team to solve a puzzle by calculating slopes and writing linear equations. - The Big Race, Heats 1 and 2 - No Homework
- IXL due Tuesday  ( 8L 7, 8)
Thursday   No School  
Friday SWBAT work as a team to solve a puzzle by calculating slopes and writing linear equations. -  The Big Race, Heats 1 and 2,(slides) - Finish classwork
- IXL due Tuesday  (8L 7, 8 )

  Week of September 23
  Objective(s) Classwork Homework
Monday SWBAT find the equation of a line given a table of data, a slope and a point on the line, or two points on the line. - Problem 2.2 C-E (slides) - Page 47, #'s 6 and 7 (due Wed.)
- Inv. 1, Solving for x, and Slope Quiz, Tuesday 9/24 (
- Quiz Practice (Inv 1 (Answers), Solving For x (Answers), More Solving for x (Answers)
- IXL due Tuesday (8A 4, 7)
Tuesday SWBAT 1) describe patterns of change in tables and graphs, 2) determine when data points should be connected on a graph, 3) solve for x algebraically, 4) determine if a data set represents a linear relationship, and 5) write the equation of a line given a table of data, a slope and a point on the line, or two points on the line. - Inv 1, Solving Equations, and Writing Equations of Lines Quiz - No Homework
- IXL due Tuesday (6II 12, 13)
Wednesday SWBAT find solutions to real life situations using tables, graphs, or equations. - Problem 2.3 A-C (slides) - Finish classwork
- IXL due Tuesday (6II 12, 13)
Thursday SWBAT write equations for linear functions given a slope and a point, or two points. - Writing Equations of Lines  (Key)  (slides)
- Writing Equations Given a Slope and a Point and 2 Points (8 questions)
- Finish classwork  (Key)
- IXL due Tuesday  (6II 12, 13)
Friday   - IXL Diagnostic Snapshot - Finish Snapshot if not done
- IXL due Tuesday  (6II 12, 13)

  Week of September 16
  Objective(s) Classwork Homework
Monday SWBAT determine the slope of a line given two points on the line. - Duck That Steals Answers (slides)
- Calculating Slope Practice

- Match-A-Slope w/s
- Finish classwork (Key 1, Key 2)
- Inv. 1, Solving for x, and Slope Quiz, Tuesday 9/24
- IXL due Tuesday (8L 2, 5)
Tuesday SW demonstrate the mathematical concepts they know, and what they are ready to learn. - MAP Assessment (not graded) - Work on Practice Problems (below)
- Inv. 1, Solving for x, and Slope Quiz, Tuesday 9/24
- Quiz Practice (Inv 1 (Answers), Solving For x (Answers), More Solving for x (Answers)

- IXL due Tuesday (8A 4, 7)
Wednesday SW demonstrate the mathematical concepts they know, and what they are ready to learn. - MAP Assessment (not graded)
- Work on Practice Problems (below)
- Inv. 1, Solving for x, and Slope Quiz, Tuesday 9/24
- Quiz Practice (Inv 1 (Answers), Solving For x (Answers), More Solving for x (Answers)

- IXL due Tuesday (8A 4, 7)
Thursday SWBAT write an equation for a linear function given a table, graph, or two points. - Problem 2.2 A-B (slides) - Finish classwork
- Inv. 1, Solving for x, and Slope Quiz, Tuesday 9/24
- Quiz Practice (Inv 1 (Answers), Solving For x (Answers), More Solving for x (Answers)

- IXL due Tuesday (8A 4,7)
Friday SWBAT graph a line given an equation in Slope Intercept form. - Slope Intercept graphing practice (slides) - Finish classwork (Key)
- Inv. 1, Solving for x, and Slope Quiz, Tuesday 9/24
- Quiz Practice (Inv 1 (Answers), Solving For x (Answers), More Solving for x (Answers)

- IXL due Tuesday (8A 4,7)

  Week of September 9
  Objective(s) Classwork Homework
Monday SWBAT use data to create models of real life situations, and make predictions. - Recap Problem 1.3 (slides)
- ACE Problem (Page 17),
# 4
- Finish classwork if not done
- IXL due Tuesday (Finish Diagnostic)
Tuesday SWBAT solve for "x" algebraically using properties of equality. - Solving for x procedures and format
- Practice  (slides)
- Solving Equations with Variables on Both Sides w/s
- Finish classwork  (Key)
- IXL due Tuesday (8L 2, 5)
Wednesday SWBAT use the distributive property to solve equations. - Distributive Property Practice (slides)
- Solving for a Variable Using Multiple Steps Practices
- Finish classwork (Key)
- IXL due Tuesday (8L 2, 5)
Thursday SWBAT solve equations with variables on both sides and check the answer. - More Practice (slides)
Pick a sheet
Pancakes w/s or
Cowboys w/s
- Finish classwork (Keys)
- IXL due Tuesday (8L 2, 5)
Friday SWBAT determine the slope of a line given two points on the line. - Intro Problem 2.2
- Strategies for calculating slope (slides)
- "
What Do You Call a Duck That Steals?"  w/s (show how you calculated Δy/Δx). 
- Finish classwork
- IXL due Tuesday (8L 2, 5)

  Week of September 3
  Objective(s) Classwork Homework
Tuesday SWBAT use data to create models of real life situations, and make predictions. - Problem 1.1, A-D (slides) - Finish classwork
- IXL due Tuesday (Diagnostic Arena)
Wednesday SWBAT use data to create models of real life situations, and make predictions. - Recap Problem 1.1 (slides)
- Page 16, #2
- Finish Classwork
- IXL due Tuesday (Diagnostic Arena)
Thursday SWBAT use data to create models of real life situations, and make predictions. - Problem 1.2 (slides) - Finish Classwork
- IXL due Tuesday (Diagnostic Arena)
Friday SWBAT use data to create models of real life situations, and make predictions. - Recap Problem 1.2
- Problem 1.3 A through B2 (slides)
- Finish Classwork
- IXL due Tuesday (Diagnostic Arena)

  Week of August 26 
  Objective(s) Classwork Homework
Wednesday SW learn about their classmates - Welcome
- Starburst Activity
- No homework
Thursday SW 1) become familiar with the Algebra 8 expectations, and 2) demonstrate their knowledge of linear relationships. - Course Guidelines
- Linear relationships recall
- No homework
Friday SWBAT demonstrate their understanding of algebraic concepts. - Initial Assessment (not graded!)
- Student Math Survey
- Make sure your Student Math Survey is complete.
- Have a great weekend!

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